Review Category : Education


Partnership in International Medical Education (PRIME) has been asked to organise this conference. PRIME is closely related to Christian Medical Fellowship in UK and ICMDA Eurasia. PRIME has strong links with other Christian Medical Associations, missions and medical institutions in many parts of the world and is currently working in more than a dozen countries in Europe, Asia and Africa, The aim of PRIME is to improve health world-wide through medical and healthcare education, through providing a programme of whole person care in medical schools and at post graduate level especially in primary care. A palliative care branch has also been founded.

PRIME seeks to promote genuine partnerships between medical educators in the developed and the developing world. Teaching is done from a Christian model of the whole person, body mind and spirit but the courses run are designed to be accessible to people of all faiths or of none. Tutors are Christians with a proven track record of involvement in medical education in their various home countries, and include people at the top of their respective fields. We look for increasing involvement of those in nursing and professions allied to medicine all of whom will be welcome to contribute to this conference.

During 2005, PRIME has definite commitments in more than a dozen countries in Europe Africa and Asia, with several more planned to commence during the year.

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