Review Category : Travel

Airport And Transport

The central business district and adjacent Darling Harbour are 10km north of the International Airport and takes approximately 20 minutes to reach by car. A taxi costs approximately A$25. A regular airport to city bus service operates from approximately 0600 to 2100 hours (not recommended for those with large amounts of luggage). Any queries please see the Travellers Information Desk at the Airport.

Taxis: Taxis in Sydney operate under 2 pricing structures. From 0600 – 2200 hours the standard fare applies. On the left hand side of the taxi meter, above the word “rate” you should see the number 1. From 2200 – 0600 hours, a 20% night tariff applies, at these times the meter should be set on rate 2. Please check the meter is set correctly when you begin your journey.

Trains: There is a train station located at both the Domestic and International Terminals at Sydney Airport. Trains run on average every 10 minutes during the day on a weekday and every 15 minutes on weekends. From the Domestic Terminal, it takes 10 minutes to reach Central Station and 15 minutes to Circular Quay. From the International Terminal it takes a few minutes longer.

Lifts are available at both the International and Domestic Terminals for the easy transfer of luggage.
Fares from the Domestic Terminal to the City start at $10 per adult single and $15 day return. For further information on the service that the Airport Link provides, please see the following website:


Decimal currency is used in Australia with the dollar as the basic unit (100 cents = $1). Notes come in $100, $50, $20, $10, and $5. Coins come in 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, $1 and $2 denominations.

Currency exchange facilities are available in most banks, hotels and airports and operate normal business hours. Credit cards are accepted at most restaurants and shops, the most widely used being Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Diners Club.

Business Hours

Banks generally open from 0930 – 1600 hours Monday – Friday. General office hours are 0900 – 1700 Monday – Friday. Post Offices operate these hours, however stamps are often available from hotels.

Climate And Clothing

April is autumn and the temperature range is 15° to 23°. Sydney expects to enjoy an Indian summer during April, but like all coastal cities its weather can change quickly.

Generally Australians are informal dressers. We suggest you bring a jacket and tie with you for special occasions. A light jacket is recommended for evenings. Please see the social program for dress details at social functions.

Eating Out

Bistros, restaurants, cafes and coffee shops offer varied menus, prices and decor. Local specialties such as seafood and Australian wines are worth trying. At some restaurants you can keep the liquor bill down by taking your own wine or beer. These are called BYO restaurants, an abbreviation for bring your own.


Electrical current is 240/250V, AC 50Hz. The Australian three-pin power outlet is different from that in many countries, so you will need an adaptor. If your appliances are 110V, check if there is a 110/240V switch. If not, you will need a voltage converter. Universal outlets for 240V or 110V shavers are usually found in leading hotels.


Since 1 July 2000, Australia adopted a new taxation system incorporating the Goods & Services Tax (GST). All prices quoted in this brochure are inclusive of GST, unless otherwise specified.

As part of this taxation system, the Australian Government introduced the Tourist Refund Scheme (TRS). The scheme is administered by the Australian Customs Department and took effect on 1 July 2000. The TRS enables travellers departing Australia to claim a refund of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Wine Equalisation Tax (WET) paid on goods bought in Australia. The refund only applies to goods, which travellers take with them as hand luggage when leaving the country. It does not apply to services or goods consumed or partly consumed in Australia, however the goods can be used before departing Australia.


The official language for the Symposium is English. For interpreting assistance, please contact the Symposium Managers.


Parking is available at the Symposium venue, The Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, as per the following rates:
1 hour = A$6.00
1 – 2 hours = A$12.00
2 hours + = A$18.00 (daily maximum charge)

Passport & Visa

All travellers to Australia, other than New Zealand, require a valid entry VISA prior to travel to Australia. For many nationalities (29 in total) an Electronic Visa or Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) can be obtained from your travel agent or airline when making your travel arrangements. Please see your travel agent or airline for further details.
Planning Your Travel

Because of time change and jet lag, the Organising Committee suggests you consider arriving in Australia by 4 April, 2003. This will enable you to relax and familiarise yourself with your hotel and its surrounds before the start of the Symposium. Don’t forget you will lose a day traveling across the dateline from the US – only to gain it back on the return flight.


Australia is free from many plant and animal diseases prevalent in other countries. Very strict quarantine rules apply to the import of animals and plants, which cannot be brought into the country without prior application. Animal and plant products are also restricted.


Shops in Sydney open from 0900 to 1730 during the week with late night shopping on Thursday. On Saturdays, most shops open from 0900 to 1600. On Sunday, Darling Harbour shops are open from 1000 to 1800 and major department stores in the centre of the city are open from 1000 to 1600.


Sydney is 10 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time.


A current valid international certificate of inoculation against yellow fever is required if passengers come from, or travel through, infected areas. Check this carefully with your airline or travel agent.


Tipping is not as widespread or regulated in Australia as it is in other parts of the world. Tipping is your prerogative, a reward for service. It is customary to tip hotel porters and a gratuity of about 10 per cent is usual in restaurants if good service is received. Tips for taxis are regarded as optional.

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Call for Abstracts

Deadline Dates

Abstract Submission 15 July 2004
Author Notification 15 July 2004
Author Registration 15 July 2004

Themes/ Topics

  • Acoustic and facial nerve lesions
  • Anatomy
  • Anterior cranial base approaches
  • Auditory brain stem implantation
  • Craniofacial and nasopharyngeal lesions
  • Facial Nerve
  • Lower cranial nerve pathology
  • Middle cranial fossa approaches
  • Minimally invasive and endoscopic techniques
  • Meningioma of the skull base
  • Navigational methods in skull base surgery
  • Orbital Appex
  • Paediatric skull base
  • Pituitary and parasellar lesions
  • Posterior fossa and craniocervical junction
  • Petrous apex, petroclival and clival lesions
  • Principals of skull base surgery
  • Skull base radiology & interventions
  • Stereotactic radiotherapy
  • Temporal bone and lateral skull base approaches
  • Trauma and reconstruction
  • Vascular lesions and malformations

General Policies and Requirement for the Submission of Abstracts

    • All abstracts must contain original work
    • The presenting author must submit the abstract


  • The presenting author will be required to register for the Congress in order to ensure their abstract(s) is/are included in the final program. Deadline for author registration is 15 July 2004.

All abstracts must be prepared according to the guidelines provided. Incomplete or incorrect submissions will be returned to the author and must be resubmitted immediately in the correct format to be considered for inclusion in the program.

Abstract Submission Procedure / Instructions

Please read through the submission instructions listed below.

To submit your abstract please proceed by pressing the “Submit Abstract” button below.

Before proceeding to submit your abstract please ensure you have downloaded the Abstract Template from the website and entered your abstract text into the template.


Abstracts must be submitted via the abstract submission form on the Congress website in Microsoft Word format.

Authors will be required to use the abstract template for development of their abstract. This template can be downloaded from the Congress website. Full submission instructions are outlined on the website.

All fields on the online abstract submission form including preferred presentation type must be completed. Please print a copy of the abstract submission form for your records prior to clicking the submit button.

Preferred Presentation Type – Presenting authors have the option of choosing their presentation preference from the following options:
· Oral presentation within the scientific program
· Poster presentation within a schedule poster session

Do not resubmit your abstract for any reason other than a notified submission error. If you do not receive a confirmation email with a receipt number that your abstract was successfully uploaded, please contact the Congress Managers via the below email address.

Abstracts will be published exactly as they are submitted, there will be no opportunity for amendments.

The Congress Managers will not be held responsible for abstract submissions not received via the website or for submission errors caused by Internet service outages, hardware or software delays, power outages or unforeseen events.

It is the responsibility of the presenting author to ensure that the abstract is submitted correctly. After an author has submitted their abstract, they must check their submission which will be converted to a pdf file to ensure the document has been uploaded correctly. Authors are able to check their submission using their access key to re-enter the site then by a form or request that a pdf file of the submission be emailed to them. Detailed instructions for abstract submission and checking are available on the Congress website.

If you are unable to submit via the website please contact the Congress Managers.

Tel: + 61 2 9248 0800
Fax: + 61 2 9248 0894

Failure to Present

Once an abstract is accepted for inclusion in the Congress Program, it is the responsibility of the presenting author to ensure that the abstract submitted is presented.

If for some unforeseen reason the presenting author is unable to present the abstract they must notify the Congress Managers of their situation. It is preferable that the abstract be presented by one of the listed co-authors.

Abstract Content

The purpose of the abstract is to define the precise subject of the presentation to an audience. Sufficient details of the study must be included in the abstract, so that others can confirm the research.

The abstract should be in ‘Mini Paper Format’ and includes such details as the objectives of the research, methodology employed, accomplishments, results, conclusions and references.

Abstract Format

Abstracts must be submitted using the Microsoft Word template supplied below. The abstract must be submitted as a word document. Please refer to the Instructions below.

The Abstract cannot be longer than 250 words written in the English language. Abstracts exceeding the page limit will be returned for resubmission.

The formatting given below is contained in the abstract template.

Page Set Up (A4)
Width 21 cm (8.27 inch)
Height 29.7 cm (11.69 inch)

Page Margins
Top 3.17 cm
Bottom 3.17cm
Left & Right 2.54cm

Title: The abstract title should be in Title Case (upper and lower case) in the centre of the page in Times New Roman font size 14 point.

Insert a one-line space between the abstract title and authors.

Authors: Author(s) name(s) should be typed in Title Case, Times New Roman size 10 font. All authors are to be listed by their last name, followed by their initials (e.g. Smith, B.)

Underline the name of the presenting author.

The affiliations should be typed under the list of authors’ names. Each author should indicate department, hospital, city and country. Do not include degrees or professional titles (e.g. Dr, Prof., etc). Authors on several abstracts must ensure that their name and affiliations are consistent between the different submissions.

For example;

Smith, B
St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney, Australia
If the authors come from more than one affiliation, superscript numbers should be used to indicate the correct affiliation. For example;
Smith, B1, Jones, D1, Andrews, R1,2
1St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney, Australia
2University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

Insert one line between the list of affiliations and the abstract body.

Abstract text: Abstract content must be in Times New Roman size 12 font, single-spaced and justified. Leave a line between sections but do not indent.
Use standard abbreviations only. Within the body of the abstract, when using abbreviations spell out the name in full at the first mention and follow with the abbreviation in parenthesis. Abbreviations may be used in the title, provided the name in full is outlined in the body of the abstract.

Capitalise the first letter of trade names.

Ensure that any tables/figures/graphs are within the printable area of the page. The conversion of your Word file to a pdf file can result in omission of images if they are not within the printable area of the page.

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NSW Tourism Awards Winners

Sydney PCO, DMC and event management company Tour Hosts has won the Meetings & Business Tourism category in the NSW Tourism Awards.
Representatives of finalists celebrating at the Star City Hotel and Casino

Representatives of finalists celebrating at the Star City Hotel and Casino

This accolade acknowledges the positive impact Tour Hosts has made on Australia’s significant meetings and events industry through the role it has played in the securing of major international meetings, the company’s success in raising the quality of these events and by attracting tens of thousands of national and international delegates to Australia.

In addition to delegate boosting and other marketing initiatives, Tour Hosts has been instrumental in raising the profile of its meetings thus paving the way in securing top notch speakers to raise the credentials of Australia as a centre of excellence in many disciplines.

Among the achievements for 2006/07 were:

Securing and managing 16 international association meetings
Running 55 corporate and special events
Exceeding conference sponsorship targets substantially, with two conferences 100% – plus over target
Almost 15,000 participants at conferences, special events and incentive travel groups
1,600 participants in day touring

“We’re delighted with this award as it underscores just how important the meetings and events industry is to the economy and profile of New South Wales,” said Managing Director Roslyn McLeod. “International competition to host association meetings is intense and our success in winning bids has a lasting benefit in that the various, medical, scientific and corporate entities get exposure and profile on a bigger stage. The meetings industry is highly labour intensive and we need to remain highly focused to ensure we have the most talented people and the facilities to service this market.”
Tour Hosts win NSW Tourism Awards Winners

Richard Munro, General Manager Hotel, Food & Beverage, Star City Hotel and Casino and Roslyn McLeod, Managing Director, Tour Hosts Pty Limited

Ms McLeod, a former National President of Meetings & Events Australia, is also very active with several international organisations servicing the global conference industry. The Australian meetings industry generates more than $17 billion a year, according to Tourism Research Australia.

Tour Hosts is the largest meetings and events company in Australia, with 75 staff, headed by the company founder, Roslyn McLeod OAM.

Services at Tour Hosts include conference management, destination management, accommodation, special events, marketing, sponsorship & exhibition, conference interpreting services, transport, information technology and delegate registration services.

Tour Hosts is now through to the National Tourism Awards which will be held in Canberra in February 2008.

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